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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

Single Enforcement Body announcement

Legal news and views

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Written by Lorraine Laryea Chief Standards Officer

Government has announced its plans to proceed with creating a Single Enforcement Body (SEB) to deliver more effective enforcement of employment rights for vulnerable workers. The SEB will bring together the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority, Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, and the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate.

This proposal stems from the Matthew Taylor Review which started in 2018.

 We responded to the consultation after engaging with several stakeholders and our members. We welcomed the proposal but also highlighted several issues Government had to consider before the SEB is established through primary legislation.

To meet the compliance and enforcement priorities will require a shift in culture and remit of these government departments as well as maintaining resources and expertise.  The 3 agencies must have sufficient intelligence sharing, effective collaboration and clear guidance for workers and businesses.

The SEB’s plans to tackle issues for workers and drive compliance across the whole labour market can only be done by considering the nuisances and differences in how agency workers provide their services. We maintain that there should not be a one size fits all approach especially when dealing with holiday pay and statutory sick pay issues which is more complex for agency workers. We welcome government’s commitment to providing guidance to businesses on best practice and compliment the work already carried out by ACAS. We will also push for clarity on the how their enforcement activity will extend to other legislation.

Please see here for further information.