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Recrutiment & Employment Confederation

Mental well-being at home - Mindset

Your recruitment career

Mindset is all about your focus, keeping your eye on the prize, understanding the principles and directing your perspective. This breaks down into three principles that I want to talk to you about: Reframing Thought, Root Cause Detection and Acceptance.

Reframing Thought. This is a principle that gratitude overrides fear. Next time you are feeling stressed, worried or anxious, I invite you to reframe your thought by thinking about three different things you’re grateful for and write them down. That’s Reframing Thought, that’s principle one.

Principle two, is Root Cause Detection. An example of this is something I often see in clinic, it’s when work stress is affecting your home life. You can reframe your mindset with Root Cause Detection. Understanding what is driving you to be unwell, what is driving you to be distracted. So, that was principle number two, Root Cause Detection.

The third principle in mindset is Acceptance. Sometimes, we have to accept that some things are outside of our control. Soial distancing is a perfect example of this. We are all remote working right now because we cannot go into the office. Some things are outside of your control, it’s healthy to just accept this and try to interact with that idea in a positive way.

So, the exercise I want to invite you to do is create a gratitude list. Next time you’re feeling stressed or worried, write down three things that you a grateful for.

Now before I let you go, I’ve got one book recommendation for you. ‘The Obstacle is the Way’, it’s by Ryan Holiday. The subtitle ‘The Ancient Art of Turning Adversity to Advantage’ is all about mindset, so it is a really good read.

This blog is part of a series about Mental well-being at home. You can view the entire playlist on YouTube, listen via Soundcloud or read the other entries by navigating below.

Working from home - Confidence - Mindset - Positivity - Versatility - Endurance - Mastery